Narita boy soundtrack
Narita boy soundtrack

narita boy soundtrack

It’s a bit frustrating at times, but isn’t an overly concerning issue. Usually, you can adjust your timing to overcompensate for any platforming woes, but it seems pretty random in Narita Boy. More often than I would have liked, I found myself slipping off of a platform or missing it entirely even though I had timed everything right.

narita boy soundtrack

However, I would love for the platforming to be just a little bit tighter, especially when jumping from one ledge to another. We are thrilled to announce to you that a Physical Edition of Narita Boy is available for pre-orders at Limited Run Games. Its soundtrack is mesmerising, truly special synthwave. The retro world of the Digital Kingdom its pixelart, design and art direction are some of the most eye-catchingly beautiful ever committed to code. Stallions themselves come with various abilities, such as ranged attacks or blowing themselves, requiring an added layer of strategy when up against multiple enemies at once.įor the most part, this is easy enough to do thanks to the game’s platforming mechanics. Physical Edition of Narita Boyover 1 year ago Fri, at 11:35:21 PM. Narita Boy is a feat of imagination, one of the most conceptually interesting games I’ve ever played. Eventually, he also gains the ability to use the sword as a shotgun, which becomes especially helpful in crowd control situations when a horde of Stallions start to overwhelm him. This extends to combat, when Narita Boy uses his Techno Sword to slice and dice through enemies. From the early throwback cutscenes set within the 80-era to the pixelated design, Narita Boy exudes an incredible retro experience. Looking like something taken straight out of Tron, the aesthetics of Narita Boy is its primary seller.


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Narita boy soundtrack